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3,00 £
2,10 £
The porcelain dessert plate, part of the Paradise collection, is a wonderful example of exoticism translated into home tableware. The surface of the plate radiates energy, with the stunning depiction of the Bird of Paradise flower - an undisputed symbol of paradise among flowers, dominating this unique series. Against the backdrop of the plate, there spreads a green landscape of exotic leaves, creating an incredible composition, reminiscent of summer days and distant journeys. This scene, almost pulsating with life, not only adds charm to the plate but also makes it a unique addition to every meal. This extraordinary dessert plate not only complements the rest of the Paradise series perfectly but also adds a unique character and unparalleled elegance to it. It is the perfect choice for those who appreciate unconventional combinations of porcelain tradition with modern, bold design.
This product can be used safely and as intended by the manufacturer only in accordance with the instructions for use and maintenance, recommendations, warnings, or safety information provided on the product, its packaging, or included with the product.
The Polish brand has been known on the market for many years and currently enjoys the great trust of customers who find for themselves among the proposed collections not only cutlery or tableware, but also pans, pots and other kitchen accessories at a good price.
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