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Innovative design and functionality - the best products for the kitchen and dining room

Ambition offers sophisticated collections of stainless steel cutlery and tableware made of high-quality porcelain or ceramics in a unique form. Offered sets of pots and pans with many types of non-stick coatings and easy-to-use handles facilitate everyday kitchen duties. Among the brand's products, comfortable sets of kitchen knives, practical kettles and coffee or tea infusers as well as designer thermal mugs for hot coffee, without which many people cannot imagine autumn or winter, are also very popular!

Many years of customer trust - purchase from the manufacturer

Attention to detail and elegant appearance, while maintaining the high quality of its products, was the main goal of DAJAR when creating the Ambition brand in 2004. The debut product - stainless steel cutlery, won the trust of customers and became a trigger in the creation of a new assortment and creating unique collections. In the following years, the offer was expanded to include numerous porcelain products and kitchen equipment. Currently, the goods of the Polish brand are also very popular on foreign markets.

Ambition (1855)

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