SKU 38129
Actifibre window cloth VILEDA
SKU 38180
Universal cleaning gloves size M VILEDA
SKU 38123
Refill for Ultramax Ultramat Spray mop VILEDA
SKU 38020
Floor brush / Universal broom 2 in 1 VILEDA
ActifibreSKU 38145
Universal cloth Actifibre Soft 2 pcs VILEDA
SKU 38181
Universal cleaning gloves size L VILEDA
SKU 38034
Refill for Easy Wring and Clean Turbo 2-in-1 mop VILEDA
SKU 38192
Microfiber cloth Style 4 pcs VILEDA
ActifibreSKU 38149
Universal cloth Actifibre Soft 1 pc VILEDA
SKU 38086
Soft strip mop SuperMocio VILEDA
SKU 38100
Window cloth / Window duster 40 x 36 cm VILEDA
SKU 38179
Universal cleaning gloves size S VILEDA
SKU 38195
Pucerka gąbkowa 3 szt. VILEDA
SKU 38168
Refill for SuperMocio Soft mop VILEDA
SKU 38194
Zmywaki Style 9+1 VILEDA
Pet ProSKU 38188
Hit of the weekMop for pet hair and fur Pet Pro VILEDA
Pet ProSKU 38071
Replacement refill for pet hair and fur broom Always Clean Pet Pro VILEDA
Pet ProSKU 38070
Microfiber pet towel Pet Pro XL VILEDA
Pet ProSKU 38067
Microfiber pet towel Pet Pro M VILEDA