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A glass espresso cup with a black metallic effect is an excellent choice for those who want to combine functionality with extraordinary, elegant design. Made of tempered glass and strengthened through thermal treatment, the black espresso cup gains greater resistance to shocks and impacts. Its glass surface prevents the accumulation of bacteria and unpleasant odors, thus promoting the health and hygiene of users. The cup is also resistant to thermal shock up to 130 degrees Celsius, allowing for safe use in a microwave - convenient for heating coffee beverages. The black metallic effect of this espresso cup makes it an attractive decorative element that adds charm and character to any dining area. It's a perfect option for those who appreciate both functionality and a unique appearance.
This product can be used safely and as intended by the manufacturer only in accordance with the instructions for use and maintenance, recommendations, warnings, or safety information provided on the product, its packaging, or included with the product.
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