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An impressive glass mug with a dark brown hue and metallic finish is an excellent choice for those who want to combine functionality with stunning design. This tea or coffee mug is made of tempered glass, which provides greater resistance to shocks and impacts, thanks to a thermal manufacturing process. Glass limits the accumulation of bacteria and unpleasant odors, allowing for the care of the health and hygiene of enthusiasts of both hot and cold beverages. The mug can withstand temperature fluctuations up to 130 degrees Celsius, allowing for safe use in the microwave – highly practical for reheating drinks like cappuccino or hot chocolate and preparing quick snacks like jelly. The metallic finish of the mug adds decorative charm, bringing unique style and elegance to any kitchen or dining room.
This product can be used safely and as intended by the manufacturer only in accordance with the instructions for use and maintenance, recommendations, warnings, or safety information provided on the product, its packaging, or included with the product.
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